Through a retrospective on autoimmune diseases, built on subjectivity, I began to explore what it means to have a skin disorder.
In the first piece Bruises, through 3d models, sound design, text and image, I retraced the memory of a body suffering from illness.
In the second work My Body Is A Haunted Space, I try to pull the disease out of the body and shelve it in the space. In this work I have experimented with materials, narrated the perception of the body in the face of chronic illness through acting, directing, and sound design.
Cinemasia Film Festival, 2024, Amsterdam
I revisits the killing sparrows movement in the 1950s in Chinese history through a return to family footages and personal dreams, accompanied by poetic monologues and delicate sound construction, exploring the blurring of emotions in reminiscence and the loss that often accompanies revelry in Chinese culture. Dealing with old memories, I had to face a complexity of bitter emotions regarding the death of my grandfather and the hidden messages that hang over the shadow in the family.
10:10, Exhibition, 2024 of Library of Babel, 2024, Amsterdam
You Shall Be My Home reveals the insecurity I was experiencing in my body, and I simulated the feeling of being wrapped up in as animal with the use of a very close up lens, and allowed the lens to construct an intimacy with the material by revisiting my words, colours, and brushstrokes.
03:19, Tongxin Guo, 2024
I tried to write four versions of a goat story in my dream, trying to interpret the image through different perspectives and different word constructions. The real meaning of the image was dissolved in the four versions of interpretation, and turned into a dream-like ravings, just as the source of the image itself was blurred. In it, I have been recounting, with a mixture of truth and falsehood, reflecting on the association of the imagery of the goat's belly with the mother's body - in Chinese, amniotic fluid means a direct translation of the goat's water (Yangshui羊水). Thoughts of the mother's body formed a calling for me at the time of my sickness. But at the time, the physical pain was too much for me - I avoided the actual of it. In Yang Shui, I want the gaze of the image to remain on the surface. I want the whole film to land gently as if it were sliding over the skin, as in the four story interpretations of the image, hovering over the surface of the unconscious, leaving traces of moisture, but not going deeper.
14:10, Tongxin Guo, 2024
A- Illusions 6:39, Tunnels 6:39, 2 channel film, installation.
Latex, interactive sound installation.
B- Printed paper, shopping cart, Midjourney, installation.
A-In this Interactive Installation work, please consider the skin as a channel to the image, dissolving the boundaries that separate the viewer from the image, an encounter of our different self-worlds. I invite you to touch this medium-
B-Originating with the goats I developed, I used AI-generated images to test the regenerative of the images. I tried two approaches: a textual description of the scene plus an image cue; and five pictures of my old works. In the end I tried to incorporate the images generated in the first way into the second.
Installation at Netherlands Film Academy, 06:39, Tongxin Guo, 2024
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